Posts by Nickunj Chopra

My name is Nickunj Chopra and this is my personal website/blog. Living the location independent, “global citizen” lifestyle of a digital nomad is my dream, and being a self-taught web developer, I’m already location independent. Originally from India, I started this website when I decided to visit Chiang Mai, Thailand for 15 days as my first step towards being a global citizen.

Eat Your Heart Out

As Avni lay bored on her bed, swiping away another lazy Saturday afteroon, she came upon a profile that piqued her interest. She couldn’t really tell what it was about this guy, but he was definitely getting a right-swipe.

On the other end of the very ephemeral act, Vikram’s phone buzzed and lit up with the now-familiar Tinder notification: “You have a new match!”

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It’s been a while since I posted anything. I know I keep saying that I’ve started this blog because of my trip to Thailand, but in essence it’s a personal blog, so I’ll also be posting other random stuff on here.

Random stuff like this short story I wrote just last night. 😀

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